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Electronic Retailing Association (
This trade association site targets those using electronic means to sell their goods and services. A useful array of free services includes a searchable vendor database, glossary, email newsletter, news and analysis on public policy impacting the industry, and classified ads.

National Retail Federation
This industry-leading association seeks to further research, education, training, information technology, and government affairs, to advance the interests of the retail industry. Site features include a searchable vendor database, industry news, information on the association's government relations, and information on standards and ethics for retail and for e-commerce.

Journals And Magazines About Retailing

Journal Of Consumer Research
Interdisciplinary academic journal (whose goal is to describe and explain consumer behavior) includes empirical, theoretical, and methodological articles spanning fields such as psychology, marketing, sociology, economics, and anthropology. At first glance the site appears to offer little beyond administrative content, but following the Electronic Edition link opens up full-text content from the last three years.

Journal Of Retailing And Consumer Services
Subscribe at this site to an academic and professional journal that covers the converging fields of retail and services. Table of contents, author guide, and some index information are available at the site.

Online Resources On Retailing Retail Industry
Comprehensive portal to the retail industry offers company profiles, news, industry research, analysis, a career center, and links to many other retail sites.

Center For Education And Research In Retailing
Site of Indiana University program; center offers information on academic programs, publications, research, and a link resource for the retailing industry. The research papers are particularly interesting, since many are unpublished works.

Unique site offers a dedicated location for the exchange of informed retailing and marketing ideas, concepts, strategy, and philosophy. Main focus is on food sales, but site includes much information on retailing in general. Features articles by industry professionals, industry news, and marketing news. Only for those in retailing and registration (free) is required.

Texas A&M University Center For Retailing Studies
Site details academic offerings and also features a mailing list, an annotated bibliography of e-commerce websites, an excellent retailing resources links area, and a free newsletter, Retailing Issues Letter.

Tutorials And Training The Industry Handbook - Retailing Industry
Perhaps less of a tutorial, more a one- (Web-) page overview of the retailing industry, what it takes to be a success, and what the key factors are for retailing. Links at the conclusion lead to more detailed sources.


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